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saas•hapily vs. Commerce Hub

How do I decide which is right for me?

HubSpot recently launched Commerce Hub (formerly HubSpot Payments), allowing customers to accept credit cards and manage customer subscriptions directly from HubSpot CRM.

Sounds similar to saas•hapily (formerly Zaybra), right? After all, Commerce Hub uses Stripe behind the scenes. In many ways, they are similar, but it's important to note that saas•hapily and HubSpot Commerce Hub cater to different types of customers.

So which is best for you? Let’s dig in.

saas•hapily vs. Commerce Hub Graphic

We've Got Two Simple Questions For You...

saas•hapily  Commerce Hub Qualifying Questions Graphic

1. Does your business rely on subscription billing today?

If your company falls under the category of a SaaS business, operates a marketplace, or requires more complex recurring billing and operational needs, it is highly likely that you rely on subscription billing. Commerce Hub may not be the solution for you in such cases.


2. Do you have historical data in Stripe that you need to sync to HubSpot CRM?

If you already have a Stripe account* and it is crucial for you to seamlessly sync your existing data with HubSpot, then saas•hapily is the perfect solution for your needs.

*Commerce Hub will not sync transactions and subscriptions from an existing Stripe account.

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"The Stripe Integration I Always Wanted"
This has made our monthly reporting and our board reporting so much easier. We no longer have to spend hours pulling manual spreadsheets and arguing over single source of truth. All of our Stripe data is in HubSpot now so we can report on CAC, LTV, and segment it by CRM data.



CEO, ScaleArmy

What Can You Do with  saas•hapily ?

⚙️ Subscription Management

saas•hapily allows HubSpot users to start, upgrade, downgrade, renew, and cancel subscriptions right from HubSpot CRM.

Discover the possibilities →

Import Stripe Customers

✔️ Import Existing Stripe Customers and Multiple Stripe Accounts

saas•hapily effortlessly imports and links your past transactions to the relevant Company, Contact, and Product records. With the ability to handle multiple Stripe accounts, Zaybra ensures seamless organization of all your data, leaving you hassle-free.

Discover the possibilities →

🚀 Automate Operations

saas•hapily empowers operations teams to create automated workflows by leveraging both Stripe and HubSpot events. Send emails to remind customers of renewals or recover from payment failures and automate the sending of Stripe invoices or cancel subscriptions with ease.

Discover the possibilities →

Automate Operations

📊 Detailed Revenue Reporting

saas•hapily's transaction sync empowers your teams to create advanced revenue reports, providing insights into the factors driving revenue growth, renewals, and churn.

Discover the possibilities →

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saas•hapily is the leading RevOps app for Stripe-enabled HubSpot customers.

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HubSpot Commerce Hub or saas•hapily?

Dax Miller, hapily's Head of Product, and Jack Coopersmith, GTM Commerce Hub at HubSpot team up to discuss the ins and outs of HubSpot Commerce Hub and saas•hapily to help you determine which option is the perfect fit for you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does saas•hapily allow me to update subscriptions from within HubSpot?

Yes! You can add any necessary changes to a subscription on a contact record’s saas•hapily CRM card.

Does saas•hapily show upgraded/downgraded subscriptions?

Yes! Whenever an upgrade/downgrade is made on a subscription, saas•hapily updates the original subscription record in HubSpot. It also creates a new subscription record to reflect the change to the subscription. 

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Is saas•hapily available outside of the U.S.?

Yes! saas•hapily is available internationally. It even includes a multicurrency feature so you can manage payments from around the world.

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Does saas•hapily allow you to map existing Stripe products to your HubSpot instance?

Yes! Part of the saas•hapily setup process includes mapping Stripe products to HubSpot Products.

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Does saas•hapily sync historical transactions and subscriptions?

Yes! saas•hapily all historical transaction and subscription data on your Stripe account and carries it over to your HubSpot. HubSpot Commerce will actually only sync data that was created in HubSpot. Any data created after the initial sync will be brought over as well.

Does saas•hapily allow you to sync multiple Stripe accounts?

Yes! saas•hapily allows you to sync as many Stripe accounts to HubSpot as you need!

Does saas•hapily let you create Stripe invoices from within HubSpot?

Yes! saas•hapily’s CRM card lets you create both payment links and invoices directly from HubSpot. 

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Does saas•hapily allow you to associate subscriptions and transactions to other objects in the CRM?

Yes! Because saas•hapily brings subscriptions and transactions to HubSpot as object records, you can associate them to as many records as you like.

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Does saas•hapily allow you to add custom properties to transaction and subscription objects?

Yes! Because saas•hapily syncs Stripe transactions and subscriptions to HubSpot as custom object records, you can add as many custom properties as you want.

Want to learn more about saas•hapily's features? Check out our knowledge base and blog.

Grow Your Business Better with saas•hapily

Unleash the full potential of HubSpot by harnessing the power of Stripe data.