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saas•hapily vs. Cartfuel

saas•hapily and Cartfuel both help integrate Stripe with HubSpot. But one has much more options and functionality than the other. Let's take a look!

So you’re using HubSpot alongside Stripe to manage your customers and sales are you? That’s a good choice! They’re the dream team when it comes to business management.

But accepting payments is where you’ve hit a snag. You need that green to keep your business going, but HubSpot’s native Stripe integration isn’t cutting it for you. So, you set out in search of a quick and easy way to get your Stripe info into your HubSpot. And then you found two: saas•hapily (formerly Zaybra) and Cartfuel.

Both allow you to integrate Stripe with HubSpot. But they do so in different ways. Let’s look at how they handle Stripe data.


How saas•hapily adds Stripe data to HubSpot

saas•hapily’s biggest selling point is its ability to transfer Stripe customers, payments, and subscriptions to your HubSpot! Records, both old and new, will be brought over to your HubSpot as three different object records.

- Customer records will be created as contact records in HubSpot.

- Subscriptions will be created as "saas•hapily subscriptions" in HubSpot.

- Payment records will be created as "saas•hapily transactions" in HubSpot.

How Zaybra syncs Stripe data to HubSpot

If you’re worrying about having to associate all those different records together manually, I have some advice for you: Don’t. saas•hapily will take care of the associations for you. So pop open a bottle of your favorite soda and relax!

How Cartfuel creates HubSpot data

Cartfuel also can create records for you in HubSpot. But it doesn’t pull it directly from your Stripe account.

Its main function is to create checkout pages for your website. When a customer buys something from one of these pages, the app will automatically create a contact record for him or her in your connected HubSpot account.

Stripe to HubSpot integration

How saas•hapily handles Stripe subscriptions

I briefly mentioned saas•hapily subscription objects earlier, but I’d like to go into more detail. Whether your Stripe subscriptions are pre-saas•hapily or newly created, the app will bring them over to your HubSpot as saas•hapily subscription records.

As I said before, it will be associated with its respective contact. But with it being an object record, there are many properties to help you keep track of the fine print!

How to sync Stripe subscriptions into HubSpot

Information such as the products being bought with the subscription, the MRR, and the status will be displayed. “But what if the subscription gets changed or canceled in Stripe?” Fear not! saas•hapily will just snap its fingers and update the record in HubSpot.

No need for all of that extra info? No problem! Because saas•hapily Subscriptions are object records, you can customize them to suit your needs!

How saas•hapily handles Stripe payments

Hey, wait! Isn’t this the part where I talk about how Cartfuel handles subscriptions? I’ll get to that, I promise! But to make a better comparison, I need to talk about saas•hapily again quickly.

Anytime a payment is made on Stripe, be it for a subscription or a one-time purchase, it creates a saas•hapily transaction record for it in HubSpot. And just like subscriptions, the app associates that record with its respective contact.

How to sync Stripe payments to HubSpot

Product information such as the name, the price, etc. get logged onto that transaction object as properties! You can then utilize them in HubSpot reports.

How Cartfuel handles subscriptions and payments

Cartfuel’s primary function is to help you create payment pages for your HubSpot and/or WordPress website. So when it comes to handling subscriptions it sort of… doesn’t. At least not any differently than it would a payment.

When a purchase (be it a subscription or one time) is made on one of your payment pages, Cartfuel creates a contact record for the customer if one doesn’t already exist. But it doesn’t create any subscription or transaction records. Instead, a list of information is shown in each contact record's Activity section.

How Cartfuel adds payments to HubSpot

If that Activity update all you need, great! But this makes it a lot harder to utilize HubSpot’s reporting feature. You’d have to manually enter things like MRR, when saas•hapily can do that automatically.

Ok, maybe I’m a little biased here, but saas•hapily is clearly the winner regarding Stripe - HubSpot integrations. All of your Stripe data is brought seamlessly over to HubSpot while you kick back!

If you enjoyed this post, why not share it with your friends? And by the way, saas•hapily can create checkout pages, too. See it in action in this blog post on The Difference Between Hosted Invoices and Payment Links In HubSpot!

David Staat

David Staat

Helping users HubSpot hapily!

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