Manage donations and donors with direct data from Stripe.
Understanding the size and frequency of donors used to require an export from Stripe against your list of Contacts. With saas•hapily, you are able to not only see all of your donations directly on the contact record in HubSpot, you can also build powerful automations to segment and incentivize, attributing your revenue directly to sales and marketing activities.
Yes, it even brings your historical donations into HubSpot!

Leverage HubSpot CRM to truly manage the people who support your cause.
Automate engagement and increase loyalty
Powerful workflow triggers are at your disposal with saas•hapily. Trigger thank you emails for first time donors. When a recurring donor’s payment fails, send a quick alert to their relationship advisor. Send a VIP gift to Contacts on their third donation. All Stripe actions can be used to power an event in HubSpot.
Instant and clear reporting with attribution
Know exactly which channels are producing the most donors and more importantly, the right type of donor. Having your revenue data in your CRM puts revealing dashboards by your side as you evaluate sales and marketing activity. The reports you’ve been waiting for are now available thanks to saas•hapily and HubSpot combined.
Next-level donor management.
Create payment links on the fly
Take donations of any size at any time with Stripe payment links created directly from HubSpot. The link is logged into the activity timeline so anyone can quickly resend the link. Once paid it can then be used to trigger a workflow or update any other fields.
Take dozens of payment methods
Our saas•hapily custom quote template acts not only as a quote, but also as an invoice from which a Donor can pay directly. Donors can pay with credit card, ACH, Google Pay, Apple Pay and more. If your Stripe account accepts it, we can make it a payment method on your quote.
Easily see donor history
With every transaction in HubSpot, you’ll be able to report on any donation that comes into your Stripe account. Donation data means your outreach team will know when to reach out, how to speak to the Contact, and the total amount that has come in from each Donor, all at a glance.
Segment donors based on amount/frequency/timing
In non-profit messaging, personalization is necessary. Each email and call needs to be tailored to what type of donor is on the other end. saas•hapily allows you to easily classify and segment one-time donors from recurring donations, donors by amount, and more. All donation data is stored on either Subscription or Transaction objects (Deal objects for non-enterprise HubSpot accounts) so you can natively leverage the data.
Frequently Asked Questions
Does saas•hapily allow me to update subscriptions from within HubSpot?
Yes! You can add any necessary changes to a subscription on a contact record’s saas•hapily CRM card.
Does saas•hapily show upgraded/downgraded subscriptions?
Yes! Whenever an upgrade/downgrade is made on a subscription, saas•hapily updates the original subscription record in HubSpot. It also creates a new subscription record to reflect the change to the subscription.
Is saas•hapily available outside of the U.S.?
Yes! saas•hapily is available internationally. It even includes a multicurrency feature so you can manage payments from around the world.
Does saas•hapily allow you to map existing Stripe products to your HubSpot instance?
Yes! Part of the saas•hapily setup process includes mapping Stripe products to HubSpot Products.
Does saas•hapily sync historical transactions and subscriptions?
Yes! saas•hapily all historical transaction and subscription data on your Stripe account and carries it over to your HubSpot. HubSpot Commerce will actually only sync data that was created in HubSpot. Any data created after the initial sync will be brought over as well.
Does saas•hapily allow you to sync multiple Stripe accounts?
Yes! saas•hapily allows you to sync as many Stripe accounts to HubSpot as you need!
Does saas•hapily let you create Stripe invoices from within HubSpot?
Yes! saas•hapily’s CRM card lets you create both payment links and invoices directly from HubSpot.
Does saas•hapily allow you to associate subscriptions and transactions to other objects in the CRM?
Yes! Because saas•hapily brings subscriptions and transactions to HubSpot as object records, you can associate them to as many records as you like.
Does saas•hapily allow you to add custom properties to transaction and subscription objects?
Yes! Because saas•hapily syncs Stripe transactions and subscriptions to HubSpot as custom object records, you can add as many custom properties as you want.