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Using saas•hapily for Hosted Payments on HubSpot

saas•hapily allows its customers to use virtually any payment method that Stripe supports, but without the need of leaving from Hubspot payment page to Stripe.

Let’s have a look what this means in practice.

What is a Hosted Payment Page?  
A hosted payment page/hosted payment gateway, is a secure webpage located outside of your merchant website that enables customers to make payments for their purchases. This secure payment page can be hosted by the payment gateway of your choice, such as Stripe or Paypal. This can significantly enhance the safety and security of your customers' payment experience.

How Does it Work? 
Simple, and you have surely seen it before:
1. When a consumer is ready to make a purchase, they will click on the “Buy Now” or “Checkout” button on your website. 
2. They will be redirected to a secure hosted payment page, which is located outside of your website. 
3. Customers can enter their payment information, and the transaction is completed without any sensitive data passing directly through your website.

In order to streamline this process, with saas•hapily you are able to keep the customer in the Hubspot hosted payment page (instead of redirect to Stripe’s hosted payment page).

What are the benefits of it, especially for subscriptions and recurring payments?
1. Setting and streamlining recurrent billing
2. Security
3. Integration options
4. Payment options (saas•hapily supports all Stripe payment options, but without the need of having to redirect the user to Stripe payment page)
5. Checkout process

Get in touch to learn more about how saas•hapily allows you to have your hosted payment page inside Hubspot, without having to redirect the customer to Stripe checkout. 




Niklas Vaittinen

Niklas Vaittinen

Niklas is in charge of lead generation and growth at hapily. He is enthusiastic to supercharge HubSpot capabilities through building new apps for the HubSpot marketplace.

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