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Updating Association Labels for saas•hapily Subscriptions

Need a fast and easy way to update association labels on your saas•hapily Subscriptions? Our app Associ8 can help!

A question for you readers: how do you update association labels for your saas•hapily Subscriptions? Keep in mind, the app creates subscription objects for both the original subscription and any upgrade made to it. That’s a lot to keep track of if you’re doing it manually.

But we’ve got you covered! Our app Associ8 can make these updates for you. It associates object records in HubSpot by finding matching fields in their properties. By "re-associating" the subscription objects to their contacts, we can change the association labels while keeping the rest of the information intact! 

Want to know how? Check out this blog post on Updating Association Labels For saas•hapily Subscriptions With Associ8!

Updating Zaybra Subscription Labels With Associ8


David Staat

David Staat

Helping users HubSpot hapily!

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