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Managing Stripe Subscriptions in HubSpot With saas•hapily

saas•hapily can do more than sync Stripe data into HubSpot! You can manage your Stripe subscriptions directly from the HubSpot portal using the saas•hapily CRM!

Congratulations! You’ve successfully synced your Stripe subscriptions into HubSpot using saas•hapily.

Now that your Stripe info is nestled “hapily” (see what I did there?) into your HubSpot account, you may be wondering where to go from there. What can you do with your subscriptions from the CRM? How do you apply that extra elbow grease when necessary?

Well fear not! I’ll give you a quick rundown of how to manage your Stripe Subscriptions in HubSpot using the magic of saas•hapily.

Disclaimer: saas•hapily is an app and doesn’t actually have anything to do with magic. It’ll certainly feel that way though.


How to use the saas•hapily CRM card actions

First things first! You’ll want to find one of your contacts with an active subscription and open up his or her record. Next, hover over the right sidebar and scroll down until you find the saas•hapily section. It should look something like this:

Don’t click off the blog post just yet! There’s still a bit to unpack here. Not much. Just an overnight stay at a friend’s house amount. There are two different types of cards you can view.

The first is the Manage Customer In Stripe card. This will show some general information about the customer. The rest of the cards will show all the different subscriptions the customer purchased. We’ll start with that type because it’s the easiest.

If you click View More on the card, you'll see several different fields. They include:

- Plan: Shows how much you're raking in each month for this subscription!
- Sub Status: Shows the current status of the subscription. It can be either active, past_due, or canceled.
- Next Billing Date:
Shows the next time the user needs to pay the subscription fee.
- Billing Start Date:
Shows the date of the current billing cycle.
- Billing End Date:
Show the date the current billing cycle will end.
- Invoice:
The invoice associated with this subscription

If you click the Actions dropdown, you’ll be able to pause, cancel, or update the subscription directly from the CRM with just a few clicks! It’s that easy.

Update features include adding new products, increasing the quantity of a product, adding discounts, and more!

Now for the Manage Customer in Stripe card! After clicking View more, you'll see the following fields:

- Created At: The date your customer record was created in Stripe.
- MRR: The Monthly Recurring Revenue you're gaining from this contact.
- Name: The name of your customer. Might seem self-explanatory but it's still important!
- Last Payment Date: The most recent date your customer paid his/her subscription fee.

Finally, we can take a look at the Actions menu for this card.

From here you can create entirely new transactions,


create a payment link,

or issue a refund!

Easy right? Of course it is! Now breathe a sigh of relief. You’re using saas•hapily now!

David Staat

David Staat

Helping users HubSpot hapily!

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