So you’re in the SaaS business and you’re using saas•hapily to sync your software products from Stripe to HubSpot. I like your style! But no matter how hard you try to make your products accessible to everyone, sometimes people just cancel their subscriptions. You’ll need a way to view them all at once.
Kind of grim, I know. But it’s necessary. Seeing all of your cancellations in a detailed report will help you investigate why they were canceled in the first place. But how does saas•hapily fit into this? Relax! It’s pretty simple.
In case you haven’t already guessed (or didn’t bother to read the introduction) we’ll be using HubSpot reports to keep track of canceled subscriptions.
1. Start by creating a custom report. We need to find out which saas•hapily subscriptions are canceled, so use saas•hapily Subscriptions as the primary data source.
2. The visual style is up to you, but it works best if you have an X and Y axis. Under Chart, select Vertical Bar for this example.
3. saas•hapily has a property that logs the cancellation date! Add saas•hapily Canceled At to the X-axis. The frequency is set to Monthly by default, but you can change it by clicking on it and changing it on the Edit field menu. For this example, I set it to Weekly.
4. Add Mrr to the Y-axis. It should be set to Sum as the default which is what we need. No changes necessary here!
5. Next, we’ll want to break all this down so we can see which product subscriptions are being canceled. To do this, add Products to Break down by.
6. Almost done! Now we just need to add a few filters to narrow this down. Under the Filters tab, add the filter Subscription Status is equal to any of canceled.
7. Lastly, we’ll want to trim down our time range for this report. Add the filter saas•hapily Canceled At is less than 30 days ago. You can make that date range however long or short as you want though.
And you’re done! Now you can view which subscriptions were canceled and when!