How Discounts Work On The saas·hapily Custom Quote

You may want to add discounts for your customers when using the saas·hapily Custom Quote in HubSpot. Here’s how it works!

Discounts are a great way to make your customers feel happy and taken care of. If you want to add discounts to any quotes made using the saas·hapily template, there are a few provisos to keep in mind.

1. Discounts on Subscription products will be recurring

If you add a line item level discount on a subscription product, that discount will be applied to every recurring payment made on that subscription.

Line item discounts on the Zaybra Quote

So if you have a Monthly Subscription that’s normally $75.00, but add a $5.00 discount to the quote, all future payments for this subscription will be $70.00.

HubSpot quotes for Stripe

2. Subscription line-item discounts will apply to the entire quote 

If you add a line-item discount to a subscription item on the saas·hapily quote, all other items on the quote will be discounted by that same amount. Let's look at an example!

In the screenshot below you can see I have two line items. I added a line-item level discount of 10% to the PlayStation Subscription item. So the saas·hapily quote discounted the other item by 10% as well!

NOTE: Since the discount will apply to the entire quote, there is no need to add discounts to other line items.

HubSpot apply discount to an entire quote

3. A line item level discount on a one-time product WILL NOT be applied to the entire quote

Stripe supports line item level discounts on one-time products. So you can safely apply them without discounting every other item on your quote.

4.  The quote does not currently support duplicates of the same item

It's unlikely that you would put the same product on the quote twice (you can always just increase the quantity if you want to charge more than one). That said, it's still important to note that the saas·hapily quote cannot support duplicate items.

In other words, if you add Subscription A to the quote and then add it to the quote a second time, you'll receive the following error message:

HubSpot Quotes that create transactions in Stripe

5. One-time discounts will only affect the first invoice of a subscription

Outside of line item level discounts, you can add one-time discounts to your quotes. The saas·hapily quote template supports this!

How to connect HubSpot quotes to Stripe 

Just keep in mind that if you have a subscription product on the quote, the discount will only affect the first invoice of the subscription. Any future payments on that subscription will be the default price.

6. Fees and Taxes are NOT supported

The saas·hapily quote does not currently support additional fees or taxes added to the quote.

HubSpot quote discounts

7. The saas·hapily quote DOES NOT support 100% discounts on one-time products

Due to Stripe being unable to charge / save payment information for one-time charges of $0.00, the saas·hapily quote cannot process 100% discounts on them.

HubSpot quotes that create discounted stripe transactions

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