Data Sync From Stripe to HubSpot (Non-Enterprise HubSpot)

So what exactly is saas·hapily syncing from Stripe? Let’s go over some of the records and properties that get carried over to HubSpot!

Let’s start with how Stripe records get carried over on a non-enterprise HubSpot account.

Stripe Customers will either:

  1. Map to an existing HubSpot Contact based on the email address.
  2. Create a new HubSpot Contact if no matching email is found.

Stripe Subscriptions will create new hapily Subscriptions when:

  1. A new subscription is started in Stripe.
  2. Stripe subscriptions will be brought over as Deal records!

Now let’s take a look at the different properties that will appear on these records!

Contact Properties:

1. Created by saas·hapily: Whether or not this contact was synced over from Stripe or created within HubSpot.

2. Created Payment Link: The most recent payment link created via the saas·hapily CRM Card.

3. Field ID: The Stripe Customer ID this contact is mapped to.

4. Metadata: Any metadata on the contact in Stripe.

5. Most Recent Hosted Invoice Due Date: You can create a hosted invoice for a contact via the saas·hapily CRM card. The due date you set (if any) will be displayed here.

6. Most Recent Hosted Invoice Link: You can create a hosted invoice for contacts via the saas·hapily CRM card. If you utilize this feature, the link to the most recent one you created (for this contact, will appear here).

7. MRR: The monthly recurring revenue the contact brings in.

8. Stripe Account ID: The ID for the Stripe account this contact comes from.

9. Stripe Address: The address of the Customer in Stripe.

10. Stripe Name: The Name of the Customer in Stripe.

11. Stripe Telephone Number: The Phone Number of the Customer in Stripe.

hapily Subscription Properties:

Just to reiterate, Stripe subscriptions will be brought over to your HubSpot as Deal records. Here are the properties that will be added:
  • Amount: The total dollar amount of recurring products on the subscription minus any discounts added.
    • Field Type: Number
    • Example: $100 
  • Billing Start Date: The start date of the current billing cycle.
    • Field Type: Date
    • Example: 2/15/2023
  • Billing End Date: The end date of the current billing cycle.
    • Field Type: Date
    • Example: 3/15/2023
  • Billing Cycle Type: The length of the billing cycle (Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, etc.).
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: month
    • Possible Values: month, year, day, week, 
  • Created At: When the Subscription was created in Stripe.
    • Field Type: Date
    • Example: 1/1/2023
  • Created By saas·hapily: This property serves as an easy way to identify all saas·hapily created objects for easy reporting, list creation, deleting, etc.
  • Current Period: Current billing period for the subscription.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: July 2nd to August 2nd
  • Current Total Revenue: The total accumulated revenue from paid invoices from the subscription.
    • Field Type: Number
    • Example: 1,200
  • Customer Name: The Stripe Customer name on the Subscription.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: Sebastian Vettel
  • Discount: The name of any dicsounts or coupons applied to the subscription. 
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: Early Bird Special
  • ID: The Stripe Subscription ID.
    • Field Type: Single Line text
    • Example: sub_8hd02un30x90jj33XC2
  • Next Invoice: The date at which the next invoice is set to be sent out.
  • Payment Method: The type of payment method for the subscription. (Send Invoice or Automatic Payments).
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: send_invoice
    • Possible values: 
      • charge_automatically: Stripe will attempt to pay this subscription at the end of the cycle using the default source attached to the customer.
      • send_invoice: Stripe will email your customer an invoice with payment instructions and mark the subscription as active.
  • Product Count: The total quantity of products on the subscription.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: 2
  • Products: The products included on the subscription (separated by commas).
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: Pro Subscription, Extra Seats
  • Started On: 
  • Stripe Customer Email: The account email of customer that the subscription is under in Stripe.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example:
  • Stripe Customer ID: The ID of the Customer the subscription is under in Stripe.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: cus_8ysH73hgw80
  • Subscription Item ID: Comma seperated list of subscription item ID's of the prices on the subscription. 
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: si_8ni24Bm3097eSy, si_09Xhi85jGt098s
  • Subscription Status: The current status of the subscription in Stripe.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: active
    • Possible Values: Please refer to the Stripe Docs here.
  • Subscription Metadata: The metadata field and values found on the subscription.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: {"affiliate_id":"hapily","utm_source":"google")
    • Pro Tip: If you have Operations Hub Pro, you can parse the metadata fields using a custom coded action. 
  • Transaction Count: The total amount of transactions that have taken place for the subscription.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: 10
  • Cancelled Date: If the subscription has been canceled, the date of that cancellation. Please refer to the canceled_at endpoint in the Stripe API docs for more information.

Subscription Update/Downgrade Properties: 

saas·hapily tracks subscription upgrades and downgrades by creating a subsequent subscription (Deal) record when an update has occured for a stripe subscription. 

Example: Alex upgrades from a Starter Plan ($100/month) to and a Pro Plan ($175/month). Inside of HubSpot, saas·hapily will update the original Subscription-Deal Record to match the current data on the subscription in Stripe. saas·hapily will then create another Subscription-Deal Record (the "subsequent" or "delta" subscription record) in order to track the changes of the subscription. This object will be labeled as an "upgrade" in the "Type" field. 

Below are the properties used for subsequent subscription objects and what their values mean:

  • Added Products: Comma-separated list of the products added to the subscription.
  • Removed Products: Comma-separated list of the products removed from the subscription.
  • Amount: the change in the subscription amount due to the subscription update.
    • Field Type: Number
    • Example: -100
  • MRR: the change in the subscription MRR due to the subscription update.
    • Field Type: Number
    • Example: 75
  • Type: Whether the subscription update was an upgrade or downgrade (based on the change in amount).
    • Possible Values: 
      • Upgrade: The subscription Amount increased.
      • Downgrade: The subscription Amount decreased.
  • Quantity: The change in quantity due to the subscription update.
    • Field Type: Number
    • Example: 3
  • Object Create Date/Time: The time/date the subscription update occurred. 

hapily Transaction Properties:

  • Amount: The dollar amount of the transaction.
    • Field Type: Number
    • Example: 400
  • Transaction Created At: The date at which the transaction occurred in Stripe.
    • Field Type: Date
    • Example: 01/28/2023
  •  Transaction Type: The type of transaction that occurred.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: Charge
    • Possible Values: 
      • charge: Created when a credit card charge is created successfully.
      • Payment: Created when an alternative payment method charge is created successfully.
      • refund: Created when a credit card charge refund is initiated.
      • payment_refund: Created when an alternative payment method refund is initiated.
      • payout: Payouts from your Stripe balance to your bank account.
      • stripe_fee: Fees for Stripe software and services (e.g., for Radar, Connect, Billing, and Identity).
  • Products: Comma-Separated list of products on the transaction. 
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Example: Starting a Brewery EBook
    • Current Limitation: One-Time Payments created through a Stripe Payment Link will not have populate the Products field on the transaction. Contact for more information and timeline on smashing this limitation. 
  • Transaction ID: The unique ID of the transaction in Stripe. 
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Exmple: txn_4Ke38fWiLPdV0je83Q78fe5l
  • Transaction Metadata: The metadata on the transaction in of Stripe.
    • Field Type: Single Line Text
    • Examples: {"utm_source":"google"}

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